Mobilising HotelDruid

    09 May 2014 Written by Miscellaneous 2923
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    We mentioned earlier that HotelDruid is not suitable in its curent form for use on Mobile Devices in that the application is not resonsive.

    We have found a simplest way to remedy this.

     Using php development environment that has recursive find and replace capabilities e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, Dreamweaver

    From the base directory of your HotelDruid source code recursively



    Replace with

    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1\">

    The backslahes (\) are used initially to escape the " characters because most of the html code in HotelDruid is echoed using php. These then prevent these characters from terminating the echo strings.

    Unfortunately not ALL the html is echoed so we now have to go and find those files where it is not. We have only found the template files in the /dati directory to contain raw html that is not being echoed via php.

    So you must go through any templates you have created here and in each one remove the forward slashes in any RAW html code that is not being echoed by php. For example the first few lines of availability_tpl.php will now look like this

    <head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1\">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">

    In order for this code to work correctly the forward slashes need removing.

    Of course always check your alterations before moving them to a live environment. We use Opera Mobile Emulator to do this as it has a variety of devices to choose from to test your 'mobile friendly' website.

    Last modified on Thursday, 09 February 2017 12:01
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